The Grand Army of the Republic
Galactic Senate

Jedi Temple

Republic Holographic Image Museum

The Clone Army

Vehicles of the Republic


Voice of the People

Whats New Page

Catalog Page

Republic Assaultship Docking Bay

You have now entered Republic space:
Welcome to Courascant.

Greetings, vistors new or old, and welcome to the Courascant system. Here you shall find information on the the Galactic Republic, its Grand Army, and information on various planets currently controlled.

Hello, my name is Sann Nova, Jedi knight, and I have been commisioned to speak to you on behalf of our Supreme Chancellor Palpatine concerning the Republic and its army. You shall find some of my reports on the army in the holo-transmissions section located on this frequency. Enjoy your stay, and may the Force be with you.
Republic Holo-Net: Your official source for up-to-date galactic news

Website Updates:

10/20/04 Sorry 'bout the wait: Finally updated the website, in like, oh.... six months...

4/21/04 Finally wrote down what you're reading now; added new pages; new photos

11/25/03 Changed site-layout; mucked with HTML
11/21/03 Uploaded more pictures; changed several areas of site
11/18/03 Uploaded more pictures
11/17/03 Uploaded more pictures; updated acknowledgemets page
11/13/03   Website is now up-and running.
11/13/03   Uploaded several new pictures to website.

Welcome To My Home Page
For info on site-updates, read the updates section on the left.

Visit these Force-enhanced links
Below: Vist this site for Clone Wars and all-related items!

Where are
you from:
Do you play the Star Wars Roleplaying Game?
Do you like The Rise of the Empire period of Star Wars?

The glorious Republic of the Galaxy

The above holo is an image of our steadfast,
and strong Republic, stronger now due to the creation of the new Galactic Army.
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